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Wildland Gardens

Benary’s Giant Mix Zinnia

Benary’s Giant Mix Zinnia

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
Sale Sold out

4 plants in 4 x 2.5 inch multi cell packs

One of the best zinnias for cut flowers. Large densely petaled flowers. The more you cut the flowers the more they will produce. Bountiful all season long. Colors  include: deep red, orange, carmine rose, coral, lime, wine, purple, bright pink, white, salmon rose, scarlet, and golden yellow. Ht. 40–50

Open-pollinated. Good for seed saving. Note Zinnias will cross with other zinnia varieties.



HARVEST: Before completely open. Stem is firm from point of cut to just below the bloom.

SOIL REQUIREMENTS: Fertile soil rich in organic matter. pH: 6.3-6.8 preferred.

USES: Taller varieties make excellent cut flowers. Beds, borders, and mass plantings.

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