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Wildland Gardens



Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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Two plants in one 4.5 inch deep pot.

*Tomatillos require two or more plants to produce fruit
A delicious fast growing early green tomatillo. The fruits are large, round, and sticky inside their husks. We grill them and make smoked green tomatillo salsa. Its amazing! The plants grow similar to tomatoes but are more tolerant of extreme weather (heat and cold) and poor soil. We have some problems with fruit worms getting to them, but as long as you keep up with picking you will get more than enough for your own use.

open-pollinated. Good for seed saving

HARVEST: Pick weekly with husks attached. Harvest when fruit is still firm, bright green, and filling the papery husk.

STORAGE: Tomatillos can be stored in the refrigerator, either in a paper bag with husks attached, or peeled and washed and put into a plastic bag. Tomatillos can also be frozen for later processing.

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