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Wildland Gardens

Red Bell Pepper

Red Bell Pepper

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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One plant in 4.5 inch deep pot 

This will be our third year growing this variety of Paladin Red Bell Pepper. Last year we were happy with the productivity and disease resistance of this variety. The fruit are delicious, productive, large and thick walled. They ripen from green to red. The plants are medium sized with a canopy that somewhat protects fruit from sun-scald. 

Resistant to Phytophthora Blight and Tobacco Mosaic Virus.


PLANT SPACING: Transplant out after frost when the soil is warm and weather is settled. Set plants 12-18" apart in rows 24-36" apart. We stake our peppers so they don’t get blown around in the wind. 

HARVEST: Pick the first peppers promptly when they reach full size to encourage further fruit set. 

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