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Wildland Gardens

Asian Eggplant

Asian Eggplant

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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One plant in 4.5 inch deep pot. 

This is our second year growing this variety. As an eggplant lover, I’m seeking a sturdy plant that will produce good flavored long eggplants that will work well in stir-fry, curry, and for “eggplant bacon”. We have found this to be a high-yielding Asian variety that produces beautiful 8" to 9" inch by 2" inch diameter, lilac to bright purple color.

PLANTING: Eggplants are tender, and cold weather may weaken them. Space transplants 18" apart. It is important to be mindful of over-fertility. Too much nitrogen often results in large, bushy plants that produce only one small set of fruit.

STAKING: Eggplants may be pruned and staked to keep the fruits straight.

HARVEST: Clip fruit stem with shears. Pick fruits of desired size regularly to encourage further production.

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