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Wildland Gardens

Sungold Tomato

Sungold Tomato

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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One plant in 4.5 inch deep pot.

We all love Sungold! These tomatoes are an Arkansas garden staple. Bright orange and exploding with flavor. They are awesome in salad or eaten while standing in the garden. We’ve also found they make delicious sun dried tomatoes and dried tomato powder. Vigorous plants start yielding early and bear right through the season. High resistance to fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus. Indeterminate.

INDETERMINATE (Climbing): Should be staked, trellised, or caged, and pruned for best results; fruit ripens over an extended period.

PRUNING: Indeterminates likely benefit by removing all suckers under the first strong branch directly below the first flower cluster. The lower bottom suckers often miss trellis supports, set fruit closer to soil, take energy from upper parts, and encourage spread of disease from soil. If needed later in season, consider thinning out leaves to increase airflow or topping plants to help finish ripening last fruits.

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